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Welcome to Nursery! We are having the best time making new friends, playing with new toys and learning lots of new routines.

We have already learned how to follow an independent snack routine, line up ready for outdoor play and we have been able to stop when asked by the adults in our nursery.  Recently when the weather was nice, we had our first Forest School lesson by matching the shapes of things we found in our 'Nursery Garden'.

We are already getting pretty good at tidying up too, which our parents are delighted about!  We are learning new songs and  rhymes every day.  In the next few weeks, we are going to begin learning all about Autumn and Autumnal animals.

We are looking forward to start learning our dinner routine in a few weeks’ time.  We will be wiping and setting the table, enjoying a hot two-course meal and when we are finished, we will be tidying away after ourselves.

Mrs Campbell & Mrs Steele.