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Welcome to P3, where we have been having so much fun settling into our new classroom.  Why not have a look at some of the things that we are going to be learning about this year.

We are learning about rainbows in our 'Somewhere Over The Rainbow' theme.  Our class are enjoying researching the different types of rainbows and how they come to be.  In this theme, we have looked at how God created us to be unique and how a rainbow reminds us of God's promise.  We are looking forward to more rainbow fun and we might even try to make one.

Our Literacy focus is Recount Writing, and we have already created lovely work about our Summer holidays.  We are going to be working on Autumn poems and looking at the changes within the season.

In Numeracy, we are learning about numbers up to 20 and the different ways we can make the number 20.  We are also looking at 2D shapes and investigating their different properties.

ABL or Activity Based Learning is P3's favourite time as they can be as creative as possible.  We have been making lovely art pieces such as rainbows and Autumnal art.

During break and lunch time, we have been enjoying our TOPS (Taking Outdoor Play Seriously) programme.  P3 really enjoy going on the different Bikes and Trikes during these times.  Outdoor learning is especially important in P3, and we have already enjoyed plenty of Forest School lessons.

Mrs Connery, Ms Bailie, Ms Cojocar, Mrs McGowan and Miss Reynolds.