Welcome to P6!
We are ‘reaching for the stars’ with our first theme of the year! We have discussed our own star qualities and what makes us unique. We are learning about flight before we head off to explore Space! This term, we will be visiting Ards Airport and Armagh Planetarium to find out more about our theme, ‘Reach for the Stars'.
In Maths, we have been learning about place value, rounding numbers and partitioning. We enjoy practical maths challenges and working together to solve problems.
In Literacy, we have been focusing on recount writing and have written about our recent tour of the Sir Samuel Kelly lifeboat in Donaghadee! We enjoy reading and we are looking forward to our visits to Bangor Library.
We love being outdoors! We created amazing artwork using natural materials and we have taken part in a litter pick in our community. We will have the opportunity to take part in lots of outdoor learning activities in our school grounds and Kilcooley Woods.
We are so proud of how well everyone has settled into P6 and we are really looking forward to the year ahead!
Mrs Johnston, Mr Mercer, Miss Gardner, Miss Bakewell and Miss Manning.